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Here are some tools and articles to help you navigate rapidly evolving work environments and address how to use your leadership influence and persuasion (and emotional intelligence) to lead others in such turbulent times. 

"Technology has compressed our impatience with even the slightest delay in every aspect of our lives... yet, it’s the long pauses between activities that enable us to ask the vision-shifting questions that lead to breakthrough thinking."
Donn LeVie Jr.

 Young Woman Contemplating

How much is lost productivity and disengagement costing your organization?

Calculate it here with your own numbers.

How much could your organization be affected by toxic leadership, lost productivity, and employee disengagement? It's more than you think and just because it's not a budget line item doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Just enter your numbers in the Disengagement Cost Detector to find out how much poor leadership influence, employee disengagement, and lost productivity are costing your organization. 

Disengagement Cost Detector

FREE Articles for Newsletter Editors

Getting association members to contribute articles for newsletters or association journals on or before (or even after) editorial deadlines can put association editors under a lot of stress. That's why Donn created the FREE Article Bank for you to use for your association publications. These articles focus on related leadership influence strategies and principles so that readers can extract immediate, put-into-action value from them.


The articles are in Word format so you can do a "light" edit. All articles are copyright © Donn LeVie Jr./Donn LeVie Jr. STRATEGIES, LLC.


Permission to Reprint

A "permission to reprint" form can be found on the first page of each article page. Please ensure you understand the terms of the permission to reprint. 

Writing on a Notebook
Articles for Editors
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