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Relaxed Businessman

Influencer and Thought Leader Excelerator® for Executive Leaders

AUDIENCE: Directors, Executives who want to improve their influence and persuasion skills for greater results.


ADVANCE PREPARATION: Influence/Persuasion self-assessment

DELIVERY: 2.5 days for live, in-person. See below for virtual. 

Are you as an influencer and thought leader prepared for the post-pandemic work environment?

While the organizational challenges going into the New Now may crowd meeting agendas for some time to come, such focus and priorities are essential — but it's more challenging than that. Companies everywhere must still address the issues that have plagued profitability and shareholder value for years as well because:

  • You still must retain your high-performing employees immersed in a virtual workplace

  • You still must address employee anxiety leading to disengagement and lost productivity

  • You still need emotionally intelligent leaders to address empathy, trust, and resilience

  • You must still develop innovative cultures to seek out emerging opportunities

  • Leadership succession planning is still a challenge even as you groom fast-track leaders

  • You still need influencers and thought leaders at the executive leadership level to boldly explore the potential of uncharted waters

The Influencer and Thought Leader Excelerator Program for Executive Leaders incorporates specific research-backed emotional and influential intelligence behaviors, attitudes, and actions that, when integrated into the fabric of your organization, result in important paradigm shifts. Such visionshifting creates more effective and longer-lasting connections with employees, vendors, clients, customers, stakeholders, and decision-makers to further your organization's mission, vision, and objectives.

How Our Virtual Programs Are Presented

Using a combination of pre-recorded video presentations for content and live virtual meetings for Q&A, discussion, and exercises means employees don't have to commit hours or days away from other project priorities. They can view the pre-recorded videos at more convenient times in their schedules (preferably before the scheduled Zoom strategy session calls for that section) over 6 weeks in a virtual group strategy session. Live in-person options (generally 2.5 days, some 5 days) include 30 days of follow-up content to reinforce new strategies and skills. The combination of pre-recorded videos and live virtual strategy sessions actually produces better learning reinforcement than crowding information over several days.

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“The ‘Building Your Professional Platform” session was jam-packed with a lot of good information. There were a lot of takeaways that will really help me because I’ve been trying to boost my career “sweet spot” in this area…”


Claire Mufalo, CFE

Director of Internal Audit

North Carolina Carolina Department of Transportation



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*Donn has retired from offering consulting and executive coaching/mentoring programs but continues to accept invitations to speak at association conferences and corporate leadership programs.

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